
About Me

Simona - Passion & Serenity Jewelry

Walking in the woods of the Pacific Northwest, I asked to be reminded of my path. A few steps later I found beads scattered all over the trail I was on. In awe and gratitude I embraced the message and now I scatter beads of precious gemstones your way for you to enjoy, gathered together in my jewelry creations.

I first felt the call to create jewelry as a young teen in Rome, Italy. That desire has been a constant companion throughout my life, even as I experienced and expressed myself through different media like acrylic paints and watercolors.

I invite you to view my copper and gemstones collection and stay tuned to what speaks to your heart. Many of my creations are accompanied by my own prayers and affirmations. Let the colors of the gemstones, the shapes and textures of the copper and the simplicity of leather speak to you.

I wear my jewelry as a promise to myself, reading the mantras, prayers or affirmations each piece is connected to. I turn the simple act of wearing jewelry into an intimate ritual, into a moment for myself to remember who I am, what I stand for and what I intend. I invite you to wear your jewelry as a form of self expression and as an act of self care, taking time to lovingly adorn yourself as you commit each day and each moment to what is meaningful to you and what you wish for in life. I am an Artist at heart and a Coach by training. I am happy to work with you in creating a life that feels fulfilling, joyous and steeped in meaning. Make your life a work of art!

About My Creations

About My Creations

I cherish copper changing shape and texture with every strike of my hammer.  I love embedding it with inspiring words and affirmations to gently support you on your path.

I delight in combining gemstones of different colors and shapes.  I believe them to be Earth’s precious gifts that help us grow, unfold and expand. I love incorporating them in my jewelry and Malas.

Passion & Serenity Jewelry was born in 2012 from my love of metals and gemstones. My work has been showcased at spas, therapeutic centers, healing retreats,
private gatherings, chanting circles, kirtan events, art markets and holiday bazars.

Lovingly shaped, textured and polished by hand, my jewelry is born in a sweet creative space on San Juan Island, Washington.  Since every creation is a unique work of love, some variations in texture and color are to be expected and make each Passion & Serenity Jewelry creation a special piece to wear.  Many of my pieces are accompanied by an Invitation or an Affirmation written on a card. Order a piece as a special gift for yourself or a loved one.

May the warm tones of the copper, its texture, the colors of the gemstones, their beauty and intrinsic qualities inspire you on your path.  May you wear this jewelry with intent and gratitude for the gifts the gemstones hold.